Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Smackdown

It hit me like a smack in the face. It was like all my questions were answered in one day. Today I became Pagan. It happened when I was talking to my friends Jenna and Mires. There we were, sitting on the bed, Mires doing a tarot reading for Jenna, when I had the urge to get one done. There was no changing it. I had to get mine done next. So, after Myers had finished Jenna's reading, Jenna did two for me: a general and a specific question I had been needing to ask. They were both spot on. So I started asking questions, like what does it mean and how do you know. This religion and I are a perfect fit. I feel lighter, I Earlier today Jenna, Mires, and I all went to Books A Million. We visited the New Age section to look a some tarot decks that I might be interested in. I saw some really pretty ones, some dark ones, and some I didn't know what to make of. Just as I was getting tired of looking I leaned back. Sitting one section over was my deck.  It was like electricity shot through my fingers when I picked it up. I had to own those cards. They are dark with a bright light undertone to them, a light almost missed but just bright enough to peek through. These are my cards. This is my religion, and it hit me like a smack in the face.

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